


What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are diseases that are acquired through sexual activity. They include chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, HIV/AIDS, and syphilis. There are many serious health problems associated with STDs.

Complications of STD infection include:

* pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
* inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis) in women
* inflammation of the urethra (urethritis)
* inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis) in men
* fertility and reproductive system problems in both sexes.

STDs can be spread by other means than sexual activity, such as contact with body fluids from an infected person, and can be passed from a mother to her newborn baby.

Symptoms of an STD:

* Burning sensation urinating
* Sores, bumps, rashes, or blisters in the genital or anal area
* Abnormal discharge from the vagina or penis
* Itching, pain, or discharge in the anal area
* Redness or swelling in the genital area
* Pain in the pelvic or abdominal area
* Pain, soreness, irritation, or other discomfort during intercourse, or bleeding
after intercourse
* Recurring yeast infections

Remember that many people with STDs may not experience symptoms.


Viral STDs, such as genital herpes (HSV), human papillomavirus virus (HPV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), cannot be cured, but symptoms can be managed with medication.

Bacterial STDs,
such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, can be cured with antibiotics.

Fungal (e.g., vaginal yeast infection) and parasitic (e.g., trichomoniasis) diseases can be cured with antifungal and antihelminthic agents, respectively.

Early diagnosis and treatment increase the chances for cure.

Lowering Your Risk of STD Infection

* The risk for transmission is dramatically reduced with the use of condoms and other safer sex practices.

* Avoid contact with body fluids and tissues, such as vaginal fluids, semen, and any open sores

If you suspect you have an STD, see your urologist immediately.

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